Alef Press

Biblical Hebrew Homeschool Curriculum

An Idea for Using Hebrew in Worship and Study

Isaiah 55:8-9

Many Jews and Christians through the years have considered Hebrew study a form of worship. Martin Luther said, "In the Hebrew language we hear God speak...thus study directed toward learning this language might rightly be called a kind of worship." Beyond langauge study, Hebrew might become part of your worship in BIble reading, study, prayer, and singing.

How about in copy work or calligraphy? Here's an idea that has led to some really sweet and powerful times of communion and learning for me lately.

First the idea, which is wildly adaptable. Then some of my inspirations.

What I Have Been Doing

Choose a passage
Select verses you want to consider or memorize. The passage I chose for the project shown above was Isaiah 55:8-9: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Explore the meanings of words. Maybe you are beginning in Hebrew and need to figure out and look up every word. Do it. Maybe you can already read every word so you do a contextual word study on a key Hebrew word or two. This can be amazingly profitable even for an old hand at the Bible. (Biblical Hebrew 2 teaches how.)

You may also want to study Hebrew calligraphy. Check out the links below for historical, practical, and inspirational resources.

Gather materials
The verses above were written on watercolor washed drawing paper with letters written in gouache with a dip pen. The script is based on third century stone coffin inscriptions.

A pencil on scrap paper works, too, but it has been a pleasure to honor the words and their Giver with (however humble) an attempt at beauty, to learn about callligraphy traditions, and try out new art materials.

Write, Ponder, Memorize
Trying to write beautifully in a new alphabet and flawlessly in a new language is likely to give plenty of time to ponder the words, if you know what I mean. You might even have it memorized by the time you are done, especially if you read aloud as you work. Approaching the writing thoughtfully, prayerfully, and patiently, with creativity and care, yields some really rich listening time. You might display your finished work, even if only on the fridge for a few days, to let the words really sink in as you are reminded of the verses and continue your conversation with the LORD. Some of your projects will beg to be given away.


Calligraphy Supplies
For all sorts of calligraphy books and supplies including left-hand nibs for Hebrew, try John Neal, Bookseller

Books on Hebrew Calligraphy and Manuscripts


Mastering Hebrew Calligraphy by Izzy Pludwinski

Comprehensive and beautiful guide with both inspiration and practical instruction. Best place to start.

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The Book of Hebrew Script

The Book of Hebrew Script: History, Paleography, Script Styles, Calligraphy and Design by Ada Yardeni

Scholarly and historical emphasis, but especially suitable for beginners because ancient, unusual scripts used to inscribe stone are featured. My letters above and the alphabet at right are examples. Besides being easier to learn, such letters can be written with monoline tools like ordinary markers, rather than edged calligraphy pens.

Hebrew Manuscripts

Hebrew Manuscripts: The Power of Script and Image by Ilana Tahan

Features illuminated medieval manuscripts from the British Library


Internet Sources

Many beautiful images of Hebrew calligraphy old and new are available online. Museum and artist websites feature galleries to browse. Pinterest pinners create inspiring digital bulletin boards. Instructors offer courses, mentoring, and videos. Here are just a few links to get you started...

University of Cambridge Hebrew Manuscripts Digital Library

British Library Hebrew Manuscript Images Online

Izzy Pludwinski

Avraham-Hersh Borshevsky

Image Collections
Pinterest Board: "Hebrew Calligraphy/Fonts"

Pinterest Board: "Hebrew"

Wikimedia Hebrew Calligraphy

Next door on our website's "Unshakable Jots" page

Mr. David Weeks

Traditional Music

This is our guitarist.
On the right.

Hebrew road sign

Creative Exercises,

reverence for God, and a dash of fun.

ostrich family in Israel

Bible History and Geography

Supplemental DVD

Images: © John McKay and Shutterstock.com

Copyright © 2014 Alef Press

Alef Press